Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Babies born to drug dependent mothers doubles in four years - Lamb

The number of babies born to drug dependent mothers has almost doubled in the past four years, reaching 2000 a year, new figures uncovered by the Liberal Democrats have revealed. The figures also show that 100 babies a month were born addicted to drugs last year, a 15% increase.Commenting, Liberal Democrat Shadow Health Secretary, Norman Lamb said:"These babies have a tragically unfair start in life. They are being put at an enormous disadvantage by their mothers’ addiction to drugs."As well as the obvious damage to their health, they are more likely to need intervention from social services, as a drug-dependent parent will probably not be able to care for their child alone."Early intervention is vital. Medical and social services staff must have the resources and the ability to identify and treat any drug problems early in a pregnancy. The sooner exposure to drugs is stopped the better."This is a harsh wake up call showing the urgent need to tackle the devastating impact of drug addiction in this country."
Applicability: this item refers to the UK.

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